On a quarterly basis, the Rewards Foundation publishes a case for support. This document is published on its website and in local printed publications.
These documents educate the community on some part of life in the area. These white papers could cover “Access to Health Care” or simply promote a need for a specific group in the community like the Elberta High School Band and its need for Marching Band uniforms.
Ultimately, the work of the Community Foundation will be to build a large coalition of people and businesses that share an interest in making our community a better place to live. Some of these people will help us financially, while others will give of their time and talent to help identify issues in the area and ultimately solve a problem.
For example, the Lillian community is older. To the outside world, it is viewed as a Retirement Community. What needs do the residents have? Do our residents have adequate access to health care? Do our residents have health insurance? Are our residents educated in regard to how to get help? Is transportation available? Have we identified shut-ins? Do any of our residents need food?
The more people you ask, the more likely you are to find that residents share needs. The Rewards Foundation will ask these questions and work to develop not only a good understanding of the issues, but also work toward creating solutions to some of these problems.
Sometimes money will resolve an issue. In other cases, it won’t be money that is needed, but something a volunteer can provide. Things that come to mind include transportation to the doctor’s office or a ride to the grocery store. These are little things, yet they can have a significant impact on someone without a car or access to a bus.
We need you to join the team. Volunteer today to serve as a “Volunteer Advisor”. These are the individuals that are willing to meet to discuss issues affecting our community. These positions can evolve into positions are volunteers working on a need that has been identified in the community.
The Rewards Foundation doesn’t represent one organization or one person. Each person has their own interests’. When the Foundation meets with an individual, the first step in the process is to insure that this person create their own “My Story”. What does this donor want to help accomplish. Is it to help their church? Is it to help a student go to college? Is it to help a student learn to read or attend a summer camp?
The Rewards Foundation is positioned to help the donor or prospective donor consider charitable giving options that otherwise might not come up. Do you want to help your children and help a local charity or need? If so, charitable gift planning options will be offered that allow you to do just that.
If you have a financial advisor, accountant or other professional, the Rewards Foundation would work with them versus trying to replace them. The Rewards Foundation doesn’t charge a fee for any of its services so this also makes it easier to include them in your planning decisions and discussions. Give us a call to set an appointment.